How to reduce corruption?

There are certain rules and laws to be follow in a system. When people violate any rule or law in some particular system, it becomes a corruption.
And to deal this corruption, we should also have our own rules and principles and follow the rules made by the Government. Unless we set a certain rules and law to deal the corruption, we cannot say anything to any one.

When we don’t have certain rules and principles to correct the corrupted people, who are we to question anyone? And who are you to question on others?

We need to understand first the root causes of the corruption and deal accordingly. Corruption cannot be suppress down or remove or reduce through insulting, mockery or defaming the corrupted people in public forum without having our own sets of rules and principles; and also without informing the others in advance.

Therefore, in order to reduce the corruption, let’s all set together some certain rules and principles before we directly insult, mock and defame the corrupted people. 

We may have our own certain rules and principles to deal the corruption, but practically not one can deal this corruption alone or individually – corruption need to deal jointly with a pressure group. 

There are three ways that we can reduce: 

1. Educating the people to reduce the corruption 

2. Implementating the rules and laws strictly and

3. Punishing all those who violate certain rules and laws.

Let’s hope and pray that we make first certain rules and laws to deal with the corrupted people. 

New Year Resolutions

The dawn of New Year is meant the dawn of new resolutions or same old resolutions in New Year. Not one is perfect but every one wants to live a better life in New Year.

Therefore almost all the people make New Year Resolutions every year. If you make New Year Resolutions or take it again the same old New Year Resolutions – it shows your positive attitude. Every time we make new resolutions to do better in life, we are forcefully entering the new life with positive attitude. Every new year, we make New Year Resolutions no to break it. But we make and break the resolutions, which is one of the weakest points of human beings.

Breaking the resolutions what we have made and taking up the same old resolution is very natural. We make new resolutions after breaking the New Year Resolution but still you are on the right track.

We make New Year Resolutions to improve in our spiritual life, health, financial, old bad habits, social work, personal relationship with others etc. For some people, they are focussed to improve only on one thing while others take the resolutions in different aspects. Are you discourage because you could not carry on your New Year Resolutions till 10.20..30..Jan. Feb. March.?

Many people are conscious of New Year and they make New Year Resolutions but it is our conscience that we make firm resolutions only on New Year Day. Some time we wait Wednesday.Friday.Sunday to make New Resolutions on Sunday so that we can start on Monday to live a better life or stop our old bad habits.

Are you resolved to take up your New Year Resolutions? If yes you can do it by breaking many times and making new many times. If you break your New Year Resolutions within a month (January) still you can make another New Resolutions in February. It is only your conscience that make you New Year Resolutions only on New Year Eve; there is not any problem if you make new resolution every month or week. If you break your New Year Resolutions, which is meant for one year i.e. 365 days.

It may not be effective to keep for such a long days but still you can do it. If you break it your New Year Resolutions, try to make it New Resolutions for Six Months. If you break it your New Resolutions for Six Months, make it for One Month. If you break it your One Month Resolutions, make it for One Week. If you make your One Week and struggle everyday to improve One Week Resolutions, it will work wonder, which is much more effective than 365 days resolutions.

New Year Resolutions are meant to be carried out throughout the year. But many times we failed terribly. All those who make New Resolutions and resolved to improve their weakness always have positive attitude.

They may fail again and again but they will have better life than any other ordinary people who never made resolutions or try to improve their lives. There are New Year Resolutions that need to work hard throughout the year, six months, one month, one week or everyday. Usually all the New Year Resolutions that need to struggle or work everyday is the most difficult New Year Resolutions.

If you make any New Year Resolutions and break the resolutions – never think that you’ll start afresh next year. Everyday is a New Year for us and we can make New Resolutions. Making New Year is only our conscience and we need to know our conscience. Unless we know our own conscience – we can never improve or work out our New Year Resolutions or any resolutions to be carried out.

Our wrong conscience is same as our superstition. We need to come to our senses otherwise our wrong conscience will lead us darkness. It is good that you make New Year Resolutions; there is future for you as you continue to struggle. You can carry out all your resolutions. Never loss your heart for you will be Best New Year Resolutions Winner of the year.


Note: This article was first published in February 2006


What do you know?

What do you know? And what do you want?

When others become serious, you become silent
When others make jokes, you take it seriously
When others are serious, you take it as a joke
When others fight for justice, you keep silent

You know how to babble, but you don’t know how to talk

You seem to know everything but you know nothing
This is what you know and what you want
If this is not what you know and what you are
Then you need to become what you are!